
Sl.noPublished BooksYears
1)Prahlāda-caritra (The Life and Deeds of Prahlāda) five chapters in Bengali verse1886
2)BaṅgeSāmājikatā: varna o dharmagatasamāja (Sociality in Bengal: Varna and Dharmic Society)1889
3)Brāhmaṇa o vaiṣṇaveratāratamya-viśayakasiddhānta (Comparative Conclusions Concerning Brāhmanas and Vaisnavas)1911
4)Navadvīpa-pañjikā(with dates for religious festivals and for ritually important events)1914
5)Vaiṣṇava-mañjusā-samāhṛti (Vaishnavaencyclopedia) PART-11922
6)Vaiṣṇava-mañjusā-samāhṛti (Vaishnavaencyclopedia) PART-21922
7)Vaiṣṇava-mañjusā-samāhṛti (Vaishnavaencyclopedia) PART-31923
8)Vaiṣṇava-mañjusā-samāhṛti (Vaishnavaencyclopedia) PART-41925
9)A Few Words on Vedānta(English)1932
11)Relative Worlds(English)1932
12)The Vedānta: Its Morphology and Ontology(English)1932
Sl. noName of books
1)Ārya-siddhānta by Āryabhaṭa (sixth century), co-edited by KedarnathDutta
2)Bhauma-siddhānta, mathematical calculations compared to those of Western astronomy, co-edited by KedarnathDutta
3)Translation of Jyotiṣa-tattvam by RaghunandanaBhaṭṭācārya
4)Ravicandrasāyanaspaṣṭha, annotations by Bhaṭṭotpala (tenth century); mathematical calculations compared to those of Western astronomy
5)Sūrya-siddhāntaPurva and Uttara sections; translation from Sanskrit to Bengali and annotations by Bhaktisiddhānta
Sl. noName of booksYears
1)Upadeśāmṛta, by RūpaGosvāmī, with translation and a commentary called “Anuvṛtti”1914
2)Caitanya-caritāmṛta, by KṛṣṇadāsaKavirājaGosvāmī, with a commentary called “Anubhāsya”1915
3)Śrīmad-bhāgavatam, by Sri Krishna Dwaipayana Veda Vyasa, with


Word Meanings called “GaurakiśoraAnvaya”

Translation called “ŚvānandaSukhadaKuñjanuvāda”

Extra Information called “AnantaGopālaTathya”

Purport called “SindhuVaibhavaVibṛti”

commentary called “Gauḍīya-bhāṣya

4)Bhakti-sandarbha, bySrila JīvaGosvāmī, with Bengali translation and a commentary called “Gaudīya-bhāṣy”1924-1933
5)Prameya-ratnāvalī, by BaladevaVidyābhūśaṇa, with a commentary called “Gauḍīya-bhāṣya”1924
6)ŚrīCaitanya-bhāgavata, by Sri VṛndāvanadāsaṬhākura,with a commentary called “Gauḍīya-bhāṣya”1932
7)ŚrīCaitanya-candrāmṛta and ŚrīNavadvīpa-śataka by PrabodhānandaSarasvatī, with translation and a commentary called “Gaudīya-bhāṣya”1926
8)Sri Brahma-Samhita (5th Chapter, translated into English)1932
Sl. noName of books
1)Amṛta-pravāha-bhāṣya a commentary on the Caitanya-caritāmṛta.
2)Arcana-paddhati (The Ritual Manual for Image Worship)
3)Bhagavad-gītā, with translation and commentary (Rasika-rañjana)
5)Bhajana-rahasya (The Secret of Bhajana)
6)Gītā-mālā (A Garland of Songs)
7)Gītāvalī (A Wave of Songs)
8)Hari-nāma-cintāmaṇi (The Touchstone of the Names of Hari)
9)Kalyāna-kalpataru (The Auspicious Wish-Fulfilling Tree)
10)Jaiva Dharma (The Dharma of Jīvas)
11)Life and Precepts of Shree ChaitanyaMahaprabhu (English).
12)Sanmodana-bhāṣya a commentary on the Śiksāstaka by ŚriCaitanya
13)Śaranāgati (The Path of Surrender) (Bengali, English, Tamil)
14)ŚrīCaitanya-śiksāmṛta (The Nectarian Teachings of ŚriCaitanya) (Bengali, English, Telugu)
16)ŚrīNavadvīpa-dhāma-māhātmya (The Sublimity of the Holy Place of Navadvīpa)
17)ŚrīNavadvīpa-dhāma-granthamāla (The Garland of Texts about the Holy Place of Navadvīpa)
18)Tattva-muktāvalī (A Pearl Necklace of Truths)
19)Tattva-sūtra (in Devanāgarī script)
20)Tattva-viveka (Truth of Knowledge about Reality)
21)The Bhāgavat: Its Philosophy and Theology
Sl. noName of books
1)Gaura-kṛṣṇodaya (The Advent of GauraKṛṣṇa) by GovindaDāsa
2)Mani-mañjarī (The Budding Crest Jewel) by NārāyaṇaPaṇḍita with translation
3)Vedānta-tattva-sāra (The Essential Truths of the Vedanta) by Rāmānujācārya with translation
4)Prema-bhakti-candrikā (The Moonlight of Pure Devotional Love) by NarottamaDāsa
5)Sadācāra-smṛti (The Smrti Text of Proper Conduct) by Madhvacharya with translation
6)Hari-nāmāmṛta-vyākaraṇa (The Grammar of the Nectarine Names of Hari) by JīvaGosvāmī
7)Hari-bhakti-kalpa-latikā (The Wish-Fulfilling Creepers of Devotion to Hari) with Bengali translation
8)Prema-vivarta (The Transformation of Pure Love) by JagadānandaPaṇḍita
9)Sat-kriyā-sāra-dīpikā (The Lamp and Essence of Proper Rituals) by GopālaBhaṭṭaGosvāmī
10)Saṁskāra-dīpikā (The Lamp of Purificatory Rituals)
11)ŚrīCaitanya-maṅgala by LocanaDāsaṬhākura