Chanting the Holy Names


Chanting the Holy Names

“To test and benefit us, the Supreme Lord has placed different types of inconveniences in this world. We have to realize those things are beneficial for us and thus accept them gracefully. Glorious are those who serve the Supreme Lord. In the midst of all difficulties, keep hearing about, chanting, and remembering the Supreme Lord. Other than this I have no better advice.

“Simply by reading about the glorification of the Supreme Lord and the devotees, all our needs will be fulfilled. Do not be impatient for the result, but always chant Krishna’s holy names with patience and tolerance. The Supreme Lord will certainly not sit quietly. According to the degree of one’s sādhana, Śrī Gauraharī certainly awards one auspicious results. Service to Hari is called bhakti. You will realize that chanting of the names of Krishna is in itself bhakti. You may touch your chanting beads to the lotus feet of Śrī Gaurasundara within your mind and chant the holy names of Krishna on those beads.”

– Srila Prabhupād Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura.

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