
The names of the essays written by Prabhupada published in Gaudiya (From 1st year to 15th year)
Gaudiya (1styear, written by the following articles):- (Chaitanya Era-436-437, 1922-1923 A.D)
Sl. No. | Name of the Artical | Vol / Page |
1) | Śrī-kṛṣṇa-janma (The Birth of Shri Krishna) | 1/9 |
2) | Madhuralipi (Sweet Writing) | 1/11 2/12 3/14 |
3) | Loka-vicāra (Public Opinion) | 2/1 |
4) | Paramārtha (The Highest Aim) | 2/9 |
5) | Purāṇa-saṁvāda (The Message of the Purāṇas) | 2/10 |
6) | Nīti-bheda (Ethical Differences) | 3/1 |
7) | Ruci-bheda (Differences in Pleasure) | 4/1 |
8) | ŚrīJīvaGosvāmī (JīvaGoswami) | 4/9 |
9) | Gauḍīyeprīti (Affection for the Gauḍīya) | 5/1 |
10) | Durgā-pūjā (Worship of Durgā) | 5/9 |
11) | Śarādīyāavāhana (Welcoming the Autumn) | 6/1 |
12) | Je dike bātās (Whichever Direction the Wind Blows) | 6/17 |
13) | Marūtesecana (Planting a Seed in the Desert) | 6/20 |
14) | Smārterakāṇḍa (The Vedic Literary Sections of the Smārtas) | 7/1 |
15) | Vicāra-ādālata (Court of Judgment) | 7/9 |
16) | Sevāparanāma (A Positive Service Attitude to the Sacred Name) | 7/13 |
17) | Tridaṇḍibhikṣugīti (The Song of a Monk Holding the Triple Staff) | 8/9 |
18) | ŚrīMadhva-janma-tithi (The Birthday of ShriMadhva) | 9/9 |
19) | Varṇāśrama (Varṇa and Ashrama) | 10/1 |
20) | Aprakata-tithi (Disappearance Daya) | 10/9 |
21) | Vrajevānara (Monkeys in Vraja) | |
22) | Cyuta-gotra (A Deviated Lineage) | 11/1 |
23) | Cyuta-gotra (A Deviated Lineage) | 12/1 |
24) | Nṛ-mātrādhikāra (The Fundamental Right of Every Human Being) | 12/9 |
25) | Bhṛtaka-śrotā (A Hired Audience) | |
26) | Vaiṣṇavaoabhṛtaka (A Vaishnava Is Never Hired) | |
27) | Dīkṣā-vidhāna (The Rules of Initiation) | 14/7 |
28) | Āsurikapravṛtti (Demonic Propensities) | 14/13 |
29) | ŚrīBaladevaVidyābhūṣaṇa, a brief biography of BaladevaVidyānbhūṣaṇa | 15/1 |
30) | Sadācāra-smṛti (The Smrti Text for Proper Conduct), a discussion of Sadācāra-smṛti. | 16/1 |
31) | Pancharatra | 17/1 |
32) | Nigama o āgama (The Vedas and Related Sacred Texts) | 1/74 |
33) | ŚrīViśvanāthaCakravartī (ViśvanāthaCakravartī) | 18/6 |
34) | Vaiṣṇavadarśana (Vaishnava Philosophy) | 18/12 |
35) | Varṇāntara (Changing Varṇa) | 19/1 |
36) | Paricayepraśna (A Question about Identity) | 20/1 |
37) | Asatyeādara (Fondness for Untruth) | 22/1 |
38) | Ayogyasantāna (Unworthy Son) | 23/1 |
39) | Aśūdradīkṣā (Initiation for Non-śūdras) | 23/2 |
40) | Pūjādhikāra (The Qualification to Perform Pūjā) | 24/1 |
41) | Anātma-jñāna (Knowledge of the Nonself) | 24/4 |
42) | Nija-paricaya (One’s Own Identity) | 24/7 |
43) | Vaṁśa-praṇālī (The System of Hereditary Lineages) | 25/1 |
44) | Gaura-bhajana (Worship of Gaura) | |
45) | Dhānyā o śyāmā (Grains and Weeds) | 28/1 |
46) | Tṛtīyajanma (Third Birth) | |
47) | Avaidhasādhana (Illegitimate Practice) | |
48) | Baija-brāhmaṇa (Hereditary Brāhmaṇa) | |
49) | Pracārebhrānti (Mistakes in Preaching) | |
50) | Bhāgavata-śravaṇa (Hearing the Bhāgavata) | 31/1 |
51) | Maṭhaki? (What Is a Math?) | |
52) | Ācheadhikāra (There Is Qualification) | |
53) | ŚrīdharaSvāmī (ŚrīdharaSvāmī) | 35/1 |
54) | Vyavahāra (Conduct) | |
55) | Kamīnā (Scoundrel) | 37/1 |
56) | Śakti-sañcāra (Saving Potency) | 40/1 |
57) | Varṣa-parīkṣā (Yearly Examination) | |
58) | Ekajāti (One Jāti) | 8/22 |
59) | Ihalokaparaloka (This World and the World Beyond) | 49/1 |
Gaudiya (7th year, written by the following articles):-
(Chaitanya Era-442-443, 1928-1929 A.D)
Sl. No. | Name of the Article | Vol / Page |
1) | SamayikPrasanga | 26-28/1, 34/1, 42/1, 48/1 |
2) | Viraktajaghanyanahe (A Renunciant Is Not Contemptible) | |
3) | Āmieinai, āmisei (I Am Not This, I Am That) | 1/11 |
4) | Vyavasādārerakapaṭatā (The Merchants’ Cheating) | |
5) | Haṁsajātiraitihāsa (The History of the Descendens of the Swanlike) | 2/13 |
6) | Patravali | |
7) | Mantra-saṁskāra (The Purification of Mantra) | 26/3 |
8) | Bhoga o bhakti (Enjoyment and Bhakti) | 20/9 |
9) | Sunīti o durnīti (Good and Evil Policies) | 27/4 |
10) | Kṛṣṇa-tattva (The Truth about Krishna) | 28/9 |
13) | Śrīdhāma-vicāra (Examining a Sacred Pilgrimage) | 28/11 |
14) | Ekāyana-śruti o tad-vidhāna (The Ekāyana-Śruti and Its Regulations) | 28/13 |
15) | Pratīcyekārṣṇasampradāya (The Lineage of Krishna in the West) | 28/15 |
16) | Vijnapti | 30/29 |
Pañcarātra | 30/31 | |
17) | NīlācaleŚrīmadBhaktivinoda (Bhaktivinoda in JagannathPuri) | 40/1, 41/9, 43/12, 48/10 |
18) | TīrthaPāndarapura (The Holy Site of Pandarpur) | 40/6 |
19) | Māṇikyabhāskara (The Effulgent Manikyas), a praise of the Maharaja of Tripura | 40/11 |
Vaiṣṇava-smṛti (Scriptures Giving Rules of VaishnavaBehavior) | 40/12 | |
20) | Mahānta guru-tattva (The Truth about a Great Guru) | 42/7 |
21) | Boṣṭampārlāmeṇṭ (Vaishnava Parliament) | 43/14 |
22) | Alaukikabhakta-caritra (The Unworldly Life and Deeds of a Bhakta) | 48/7 |
Gaudiya (10th year, written by the following articles):- (Chaitanya Era-445-446, 1931-1932 A.D)
Sl. No. | Name of the Article | Vol / Page |
1) | Gaudiya-Mahima | 1/3 |
2) | Patravali | |
3) | SatshiksharthirVivechya | 8/115 |
4) | Nimbabhaskar | 9/129 |
5) | Ajna and VijnerNarmakatha | 13/197 |
Vaishnava-Vamsha | 49/765 | |
6) | VarshikAbhibhashan (read in vyasa puja in madras) | 31/884 |
7) | Confucius Vichar | 34/529 |
8) | Patra |
Gaudiya (12th year, written by the following articles):- (Chaitanya Era-447-448, 1933-1934 A.D)
Sl. No. | Name of the Article | Vol / Page |
1) | Kṛpāśīrvāda (Merciful Blessings) |
Gaudiya (13th year, written by the following articles):- (Chaitanya Era-448-449, 1934-1935 A.D)
Sl. No. | Name of the Article | Vol / Page |
1) | Sva-para-maṅgala (Auspiciousness for Oneself and Others) | |
2) | Vaikuṇṭha o guṇa-jātajagat (Vaikuṇṭha and the World Born of Three Guṇas) | 5/65 |
3) | Bhogavāda o bhakti (The Philosophy of Hedonism and Bhakti) | 44/690 |
Gaudiya (2ndyear, written by the following articles):- (Chaitanya Era-437-438, 1923-1924 A.D)
Sl. No. | Name of the Article | Vol / Page |
1) | Varṣa-praveśa (Entering the New Year) | 1/1 |
2) | Brāhmaṇya-deva (The God of the Brāhmaṇas) | 1/3 |
3) | Guru-bruva (Imitation Gurus) | 1/5 |
4) | Kīrtanevijñāna (Realized Knowledge in Kīrtana) | 5/9 |
5) | Āvirbhāva-tithi (Appearance Day) | 6/1 |
6) | Maṭherautsava (Festivals of the Maṭh) | 7/1 |
7) | Dīksita (The Initiated) | 8/3 |
8) | Gosvāmī-pāda (The Respected Goswami) | 13/1 |
9) | Kṛṣṇebhoga-buddhi (The Psychology of Enjoying Krishna) | 14/1 |
10) | Gauḍīyabhajana-pranālī (The Process of Gauḍīya Worship) | 15/9 |
11) | Śrī-vigraha (The Image) | 17/1 |
12) | Javala-Katha | 19/8 |
13) | Smārta o vaiṣṇava (Smārtas and Vaishnavas) | 20/1 |
14) | Sāmājikaahita (What Is Unbeneficial for Society) | 20/11 |
15) | Prākrtabhoktāke? (Who Is the Real Enjoyer?) | 26/1 |
16) | Gaudīyeraveśa (The Dress of the Gaudīyas) | 26/12 |
17) | Pratisambhāṣaṇa (Speech in Response) | 28/13 |
18) | Sūtra-vidveṣa (Enmity Expressed Tersely) | 38/1 |
19) | SamayikPrasanga | 42/1, 43/1, 44/1, 45/1, 46/1, 47/1, 48/1, 48/15, 49/1, 50/1 |
Gaudiya (3rdyear, written by the following articles):-
(Chaitanya Era-438-439, 1924-1925 A.D)
Sl. No. | Name of the Article | Vol / Page |
1) | Gauḍīyahāspātāla (Gauḍiya Hospital) | 3/3 |
2) | SamayikPrasanga | 26-50/1 |
3) | Bhāgavata-vivṛti (Explanation of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam) | 10/1 |
4) | ŚrīKulaśekhara (Kulaśekhara) | 11/6 |
5) | Meyelihinduwānī (Effeminate Hinduism) | 38/10 |
Gaudiya (4thyear, written by the following articles):-
(Chaitanya Era-439-440, 1925-1926 A.D)
Sl. No. | Name of the Article | Vol / Page |
1) | Madhuralipi (A Sweet Letter) | |
2) | Sri VyasaPujayaAdhibhashan | 26/12 |
3) | PraptaPatra (Rahasya) | 30/7, 31/16, 34/9, 15/42 |
4) | Aśrauta-darśana (Non-Vedic Philosophy) | |
5) | Vedānta-tattva-sārerupodghāta (Introduction to the Vedānta-tattva-sāra) | 33/17, 34/17, 37/17, 43/17, 50/17, 32/2 |
Gaudiya (5thyear, written by the following articles):-
(Chaitanya Era-440-441, 1926-1927 A.D)
Sl. No. | Name of the Article | Vol / Page |
1) | Patravali | 4/23, 14/5 |
2) | Darśanebhrānti (Error in Philosophy) | 38/2 |
3) | Vaiṣṇava-śrāddha (Vaishnava Funeral Rites) | 24/13 |
4) | Ālocakeraālocanā (A Critique of Critics) | 47/9 |
5) | Nyākābokārasvarūpa (The Real Nature of a Contemptible Fool) | 47/10 |
Gaudiya (6th year, written by the following articles):-
(Chaitanya Era-441-442, 1927-1928 A.D)
Sl. No. | Name of the Article | Vol / Page |
1) | Māna-dāna o hāni (Offering Respect and Losing It) | 9/3 |
2) | Prati-Nivedana | 28/13 |
3) | Paramartha | 39/27 |
4) | Gauḍapura (The City of Gauḍa) | 33/1 |
5) | Āsala o nakala (Real and Fake) | 33/3 |
6) | Ahaitukadhāma-sevaka (An Unmotivated Servant of the Holy Places) | 34/1 |
7) | Sarva-pradhānavivecanāraviśaya (The Most Important Thing to Consider) | |
8) | Bhāikutārkika (Brother Quibbler) | 35/1 |
9) | Kṛṣṇa-bhaktanirbodhanahen (A Bhakta of Krishna Is Not a Fool) | |
10) | PrācīnaKuliyāysaharaNavadvīpa (The Town of Nabadwip Is Old Kuliya) | 37/10, 38/12 |
11) | Kapatatādaridratāramūla (The Cause of Poverty Is Cheating) | 38/15 |
12) | Ekaścandra (One Moon) | 39/11 |
13) | Puṇyāraṇya (A Sacred Forest) | 39/12 |
14) | Godāygalad (An Error in the Fundamentals) | 39/12 |
15) | NīlācaleŚrīmatSaccidānandaBhaktivinoda (Bhaktivinoda in JagannathPuri) | 43/1, 44/1 |
Gaudiya (8th year, written by the following articles):-
(Chaitanya Era-443-444, 1929-1930 A.D)
Sl. No. | Name of the Article | Vol / Page |
1) | ŚrīdhāmaMāyāpurakothāya? (Where Is the Sacred Site of Mayapur?) | 4/55 |
2) | GaudācaleŚrīBhaktivinoda (Bhaktivinoda in Bengal) | 6/81 |
3) | Sātvata o asātvata (Devotees and Nondevotees) | 20/309 |
4) | Bhārata o paramārtha (India and the Highest Aim) | 21/327 |
5) | Paramārtherasvarūpa (The Real Nature of Highest Aim) | 22/342 |
6) | Patravali, | |
VyasaPujayaPratyadhibhashan | ||
7) | PrācīnaKuliyāyadvārabhet (Entrance Fees in Old Kuliyā [Nabadwip]) | |
8) | Śikṣaka o śikṣita (The Teacher and the One Being Taught) | 34/525 |
9) | ViṣayīraKṛṣṇa-prema (The Materialists’s Love for Krishna) | 36/560 |
10) | AtmaharaPathak | 39/611 |
11) | Āśrameraveśa (Appropriate Dress for the Ashram) | 24/657 |
Gaudiya (9th year, written by the following articles):-
(Chaitanya Era-444-445, 1930-1931 A.D)
Sl. No. | Name of the Article | Vol / Page |
1) | Śrī-bhakti-mārga (The Path of Bhakti) | 6/125 |
2) | ParamarthikSanmilanirShbhapatirAbhibhashan | 7/139, 12/217 |
3) | Bhava-rogīrahāsapātāla (A Hospital for the Materially Diseased) | 15/272 |
4) | JagabhandhuraKṛṣṇānuśīlana (The Practice of Krishna-Bhakti of Jagabandhu) | 19/329 |
5) | Patravali |
Gaudiya (11th year, written by the following articles):- (Chaitanya Era-446-447, 1932-1933 A.D)
Sl. No. | Name of the Article | Vol / Page |
1) | Ekādaśaprārambhikā (Beginning the Eleventh Year) | |
2) | Patravali | |
3) | Vaiṣṇavejāti-buddhi (Considering a Vaishnava to Belong to a Particular Jāti) | 17/231 |
4) | Mādhukarabhaikṣya (What Should Be Begged from Door to Door) | 23/257 |
5) | PradarshakerAbhibhashan | 23/361 |
6) | Patravali | |
7) | Duṣṭi-vaiklavya (Distress from Corruption) | |
8) | Āmārakathā (My Message) | |
9) | Sat-śikṣāpradarśanī (The Exhibition of Religious Education) | 22/348 |
10) | Kṛṣṇa bhakti-i śoka-kāma-jādyāpahā (Devotion to Krishna is the Exclusive Way to Transcend Lamentation and Desire) | |
11) | Kṛṣṇematirastu (May Your Resolution Be Toward Krishna) |
Gaudiya (14th year, written by the following articles):- (Chaitanya Era-449-450, 1935-1936 A.D)
Sl. No. | Name of the Article | Vol / Page |
1) | Nava-varṣa (New Year) | 1/1 |
2) | Patravali | |
3) | ‘Baḍaāmi’ o ‘Bhāloāmi’ (I’m Great and I’m Good) | 26/393 |
4) | Tadvana (That Forest) | |
5) | Vāstava-vastu (The Real Essence) | 38/585 |
Gaudiya (15th year, written by the following articles):- (Chaitanya Era-450-451, 1936-1937 A.D)
Sl. No. | Name of the Article | Vol / Page |
1) | Hāyanodghāta (Ushering in the New Year) | 1/1 |
2) | Patravali |
DainikNadia Prakash was a daily newspaper started by SrilaBhaktisiddhantaSarasvati Thakur which published both secular news, and commentary on contemporary events through the lens of devotional Hindu literatures of the Bengali Vaiṣṇava tradition in the early twentieth century.
In March 1926, SrilaBhaktisiddhantaSaraswatiGoswamiPrabhupada started the Nadiyaprakash magazine from Mayapur to spread the word about Sri Gaurasundara, the ruler of Nadia. This magazine was first published twice a week in English and later in Bengali. Later, on 26 February 1926, at the behest of SrilaPrabhupada, this Nadia Prakash was published as a daily newspaper for sixteen years.
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जीयादेषा परा पत्री सर्व-सज्जनतोषनी॥
It was first started in Bengali by Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur in 1881 but discontinued due to his being reposted. In 1883 an English edition was released,and in 1885 it was again published sporadically in Bengali; not until 1892 was it produced regularly as a monthly. After its being suspended once more in 1897,Srila BhaktisiddhantaSaraswatiGoswami Prabhupad again revived it in February–March 1915 Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur’s Disappearance day,as the (principal newspaper) of the NavadwipDhamPrachariniSabha.

The names of the essays written by Prabhupada published in Sajjantoshani (From 18th year to 24th year) edited by Sri SrilaPrabhupada are indicated.
Sri Sajjanatoshani (from the 18th year, edited and published the following articles):- (Chaitanya Era-429-430, 1915-1916 A.D)
Sl. No. | Name of the Article | Page
No |
1) | Pūrva-bhāṣā (Introductory Words) | 1 |
2) | Prānīrapratidayā (Compassion Toward Living Beings) | 10 |
3) | ŚrīMadhvamuni-carita (The Life and Works of Madhva Muni) | 15 |
4) | Vishvavidyalaya Bhakti Grantha (devotional Books in University) | 45 |
5) | Ṭhākurerasmṛti-samiti (The Memorial Assembly for BhaktivinodaṬhākura) | 46 |
6) | DivyasūrivāĀlvāra (Divyasūri or Ālvāra, saint in Rāmānuja’ssampradāya) | 48 |
7) | Jayatirtha(Vaishnava-Acharya of Madhya sampradāẏēra) | 63 |
8) | Godadevi | 67 |
9) | Pāñcarātrikaadhikāra (Qualification According to the Pāñcarātrika System) | 71 |
10) | Prāptisvīkāra (Letter of Acknowledgment of Receipt) | 77 |
11) | Vaiṣṇavasmṛti(The Smṛti Texts of the Vaishnavas) | 84 |
12) | Śrīpatrikārakathā (The Message of the Magazine) | 89 |
13) | Bhaktāṅghri-renu (The Dust of the Feet of Bhaktas) | 97 |
14) | Kulashekhar(one of the twelve Vaishnava alvars) | 113 |
15) | Sāmayikprasaṅga (Concerning Current Events) | 116, 174, 291, 307, 352 |
16) | ŚrīGaurāṅga, (philosophical topics concerning Sri Krishna ChaitanyaMahaprabhu) | 134 |
17) | Abhakti-mārga (The Path of Nonbhakti) | 141 |
18) | Vishnuchitta | 148 |
19) | Pratikūlamatavāda (Unfavorable Philosophies) | 163 |
20) | KrishnadasBabaji | 169 |
21) | Toṣaṇīrakathā (The Message of Sajjana-toṣaṇī) | 177 |
22) | Śrī guru svarūpa (The Real Identity of the Guru) | 186 |
23) | PrabodhanandaSarasvati | 195 |
24) | Śrī bhakti-mārga (The Path of Bhakti) | 202 |
25) | Samālocanā (Critical Review) | 215, 304, 336 |
26) | Toṣaṇī-prasaṅga (Regarding the Sajjana-toṣaṇī) | 265 |
27) | Artha o anartha (Wealth and Worthlessness) | 298 |
28) | Baddha, tatasthā o mukta (The Bound, the Marginal, and the Liberated) | 309 |
29) | Gohitepūrvādeśa (Previous Instructions about the Welfare of the Cows) | 331 |
30) | Prākṛta o aprākṛta (Material and Nonmaterial) | 286 |
31) | Antardvīpa (an article about the island of Antardvīpa in Nabadwip) | 391, 416 |
32) | Prakata-pūrnimā (The Full-Moon Night of Appearance) | 397 |
33) | Caitanyābda (The Era Beginning with SriCaitanyaMahaprabhu) | 436 |
34) | Upakurvāna (Time-Limited Celibacy) | 439 |
35) | Varṣa-śesa (The End of the Year) | 523 |
Sajjanatoshani (from the 21th year, edited and published the following articles):- (Chaitanya Era-432-433, 1918-1919 A.D)
Sl. No. | Name of the Article | Page
No |
1) | Nava-varṣa (New Year) | 1 |
2) | Sajjana-sarvopakāraka (A Devotee Is Beneficial to All) | 6 |
3) | Sajjana-śānta (A Devotee Is Peaceful) | 29 |
4) | Gaurakivastu? (What Is Gaura?) | 45 |
5) | Sajjana-kṛṣṇaika-śaraṇa (A Devotee Is Exclusively Surrendered to Krishna) | 57 |
6) | Sajjana-akāma (A Devotee Is Free Passion) | 85 |
7) | Sajjana-nirīha (A Devotee Is Harmless) | 113 |
8) | Sajjana-sthira (A Devotee Is Determined) | 169 |
9) | Sajjana-vijita-sad-guṇa (A Devotee Conquers the Six Bondages) | 205 |
10) | Śrī-mūrti o māyāvāda (The Image and the Doctrine of Māyāvāda) | 257 |
11) | ŚrīViśva-Vaiṣṇava-rāja-sabhā (The Royal World Vaishnava Association) | 259 |
13) | Bhaktisiddhānta (The Philosophical Conclusion of Bhakti) | 285 |
14) | Sajjana-apramatta (A Devotee Is Sane) | 293 |
Sajjanatoshani (from the 23th year, edited and published the following articles):- (Chaitanya Era-434-435, 1920-1921 A.D)
Sl. No. | Name of the Article | Page
No |
1) | Hāyanodghāta (Ushering in the New Year) | 1 |
2) | Aikāntika o vyabhicāra (Single-Mindedness and Deviation) | 33 |
3) | Nirjaneanartha (Obstacles in Solitary Worship) (the poem Duṣṭamana! tumikiservaiṣṇava?) | 37 |
4) | Sajjana-kavi (A Devotee Is Wise) | 57 |
5) | Cāturmāsya (The Four Months) | 74 |
6) | Pañcopāsanā (The System of Worshiping Five Images) | 95 |
7) | Vaiṣṇaverasmṛti (The Smṛti Texts of the Vaishnavas) | 99 |
8) | Saṁskāra-sandarbha (A Treatise on Ritual Purification) | 103 |
9) | Sajjana-dakṣa (A Devotee Is Skilled) | 109 |
10) | Vaiṣṇava-maryādā (Appreciating Vaishnavas) | 127 |
11) | Sajjana-maunī (A Devotee Is Silent) | 137 |
12) | Yogapīṭheśrī-mūrti-sevā (Serving the Image at Yogapīṭha) | 143 |
13) | Aprākrta (Nonmaterial) | 192 |
Sajjanatoshani(from the 19th year, edited and published the following articles):- (Chaitanya Era-430-431, 1916-1917 A.D)
Sl. No. | Name of the Article | Page
No |
1) | Nava-varṣa (New Year) | 1 |
2) | Āsanerkathā (The Message of the Āsana) | 39 |
3) | SamayikPrasanga | 42, 125, 207, 240, 272, 344, 380, 409 |
4) | Ācārya-santāna (Descendants of the Ācāryas) | 45 |
5) | Videśegaura-kathā (The Message of Gaura Abroad) | 89 |
6) | Samālocanā (Critical Review) | 167, 405 |
7) | Āmāraprabhurakathā(life of Om VishnupadParamahamsaSrilaGaurakishoredasGosvamiMaharaj) | 177, 220 |
8) | Vaiṣṇaveraviśaya (The Material Possessions of a Vaishnava) | 211 |
9) | Guru-svarūpepunahpraśna (Another Question about the True Identity of a Guru) | 215 |
10) | Vaiṣṇava-vaṁśa (The Lineage of the Vaishnavas) | 241 |
11) | Viraha-mahotsava (The Great Festival of Separation) | 282 |
12) | Śrīpatrikāraukti (Statements of the Magazine) | 309 |
13) | Prākṛta-rasa-śata-dūṣanī (The Hundred Flaws of Materialistic Rasa) | 313 |
14) | Duitiullekha (Two Mentioned Things) | 341 |
15) | Gāneraadhikārīke? (Who Is Qualified to Sing?) | 345 |
16) | Sadācāra (Proper Conduct) | 358 |
17) | Amāyā (Nonillusion) | 372 |
18) | Prarthana-Rasa-Vivriti (an explanation of SrilaNarottama Thakur’s ‘Prarthana’) | 374 |
19) | Pratibandhaka (Obstacles) | 381 |
20) | Bhāisahajiyā (My Brother Sahajiyā) | 398 |
21) | Varṣa-śeṣa (Year’s End) | 451 |
Sajjanatoshani (from the 20th year, edited and published the following articles):- (Chaitanya Era-431-432, 1917-1918 A.D)
Sl. No. | Name of the Article | Page
No |
1) | Nava-varṣa (New Year) | 1 |
2) | Samālocanā (Critical Review) | 33 |
3) | SamayikPrasanga | 35, 106, 144 |
4) | Sajjana-krpālu (A Devotee Is Merciful) | 37 |
5) | Śakti-pariṇatajagat (The World as a Transformation of Potency) | 74 |
6) | Sajjana-akṛta-droha (A Devotee is Without Enemies) | 73 |
7) | Prarthana-Rasa-Vivriti. | 96, 207, 213 |
8) | Sajjana-satya-sāra (A Devotee is thoroughly Truthful) | 110 |
9) | Prākrt a śūdravaisn a vanahe (A Materialistic Śūdra is not a Vaishnava) | 116 |
10) | Nāgarī-māṅgalya (Auspiciousness for a Coquette) | 131 |
11) | Sajjana-sama (A Devotee is Equipoised) | 145 |
12) | Sajjana-nirdośa (A Devotee is Faultless) | 181 |
13) | Sajjana-vadānya (A Devotee is Munificent) | 209 |
14) | Bhādatiyābhaktanahe (A Hired Person Cannot Be a Devotee) | 239, 260 |
15) | Sajjana-mṛdu (A Devotee Is Gentle) | 245 |
16) | Sajjana-akiñcana (A Devotee is without Possessions) | 305 |
17) | Sajjana-śuci (A Devotee is Clean) | 341 |
18) | Vaishnava-Darshan (a lecture delivered in Sahitya-Sabha in the Town Hall of Krishnagar in March 1918) | 367 |
19) | Varsa-śeṣa (Year’s End) | 394 |
Sajjanatoshani (from the 22th year, edited and published the following articles):- (Chaitanya Era-433-434, 1919-1920 A.D)
Sl. No. | Name of the Article | Page
No |
1) | Varṣodghāta (Ushering in the New Year) | 1 |
2) | Sajjana-mānada (A Devotee Honors Others) | 6 |
3) | Sajjana-amānī (A Devotee Undesirous of Respect) | 61 |
4) | Kāla-saṁjñāyanāma (The Sacred Names according to the Divisions of Time) | 64 |
5) | Samalochana | 101 |
6) | Śaukra o vṛttagatavarṇa-bheda (Social Divisions according to One’s Own Nature and Birth) | 103 |
7) | Sajjana-gambhīra (A Devotee Is Solemn) | 121 |
8) | Karmīrakanakādi (Gold and Other Assets of a Materialistic Worker) | 165 |
9) | Sajjana-karuṇa (A Devotee Is Compassionate) | 189 |
10) | Guru-dāsa (The Servant of the Guru) | 283 |
11) | Sajjana-maitra (A Devotee Is Friendly) | 289 |
12) | Dasha | 297 |
13) | Dīksita (The Initiated) | 322 |
Sajjanatoshani (from the 24th year, edited and published the following articles):- (Chaitanya Era-435-436, 1921-1922 A.D)
Sl. No. | Name of the Article | Page
No |
1) | Nava-varṣa (New Year) | 1 |
2) | Saviśeṣa o nirviśeṣa (With and Without Particularity) | 33 |
3) | Meki o āsal (False and Real) | 65 |
4) | Guru-sisyerakatha | 97 |
5) | ŚrīmadBhagavata | 177 |
6) | SmārtaRaghunandana, article about the smārta Raghunandana | 181 |
7) | Hari-nāmamahā-mantra (The Great Chant of the Names of Hari) | 225 |
8) | Mantropāsanā (Worship by Mantra) | 230 |
9) | Nisiddhācāra (Forbidden Conduct) | 240 |
The original version of The Harmonist appeared in Bengali under the name SreeSajjanaToshani in 1879, published by ŚrīlaBhaktivinodaThakura. After his disappeared, his son, ŚrīlaBhaktisiddhantaSaraswatiGoswamiPrabhupad established a printing press and began his preaching mission, the ShriGaudiya Math. In 1927, he launched the Harmonist magazine, an English version of the original Bengali magazine, SreeSajjanaTosani. This he did until 1936, The Harmonist is the reservoir of all clear conclusions of our predecessor acharyas (Vaisnava Masters), regarding the most important philosophical subjects any devotee would care to know. The magazine addresses essential philosophical topics, such as jiva-tattva, guru-tattva, Krishna-tattva, rasa-tattva, the history of the Vedic and GaudiyaVaishnava traditions, Vaishnava Literature, comparative religion, Vaishnavabehaviors and etiquettes,historical events, articles on social, economical and political issues, and divine poetry.
History and Purpose of the “Harmonist” Magazine
THE name of the Journal, the ‘Harmonist’, stands in need of a little explanation. ‘Sajjana-toshani’ the only Sanskrit name headed the paper when she used to appear in Bengali, and the same spirit and aims of the ‘Sajjana-toshani’ are to be continued though she has now put on the English garb. “Harmonist” is the free English equivalent of the word ‘Sajjanatoshani.’ This point will bear a little elucidation. The title ‘Sajjana-toshani’ was adopted to signify a definite purpose.
The word ‘Sajjana’ is made up of two parts viz. ‘Sat’ and ‘Jana’. ‘Sat’ is ‘Godhead’ or the ‘Absolute Truth’. This is in accordance with the sruti ‘ ॐ तत् सत् ‘ (Oṁ Tat Sat) ‘Sat’ means the Ever-Existent, the Unchangeable, the One Spirit and Harmony Himself. The ‘Sajjana’ is one who belongs to and serves the ‘Sat’, ‘Toshani’ is in the feminine form and means one who is desirous of pleasing. The journal aims exclusively at pleasing ‘Sajjanas’. The feminine form of the word is indicative of her attitude of humility in regard to ‘Sajjanas’. The word ‘Sajjana’ is not really narrow in its denotation. To him who possesses the clearest spiritual vision all living beings without exception are ‘Sajjanas’. This is specifically borne out by the passage:—
हे साधवः सकलम् एव विहाय दुरात्
चैतन्य-चन्द्र-चरणे कुरुतानुरागम्
he sādhavaḥsakalamevavihāyadurāt
“Ye Sadhus, bidding farewell to everything from a distance, offer your hearts’ devotion at the Feet of Chaitanyachandra”.
The ‘Harmonist’ as preacher of God’s Word has to be endowed with the requisite qualities. Her high mission is to please all living beings by conveying to them the Divine Message in the fitting manner. Her object is emphatically not to create rupture but to bring about harmony. This constitutes the vital difference between her and the elevationist or the Salvationist. Both of the latter fail to satisfy the hankering of the soul, because they only offer or withhold the things of this world. The elevationist [कर्म्मिन्] (karmmin) attempts to do temporary good to himself or to a few at the expense of others. The object of all good work is at best merely temporary relief and even that is uncertain. All such efforts have, moreover, the invariable dark side. This is true of the so-called philanthropic endeavours no less than of our ‘jajnas’ that involve the direct sacrifice of animal life [पशुयई] (paśuyaī). The Salvationist is a deluded, disguised seeker of his purely individual interest.
Both the systems involve ultimate disappointment and confusion for all concerned. The Salvationist perched on the solitary height of his sterile, egotistic isolation is on reaching his goal condemned to a neutralized existence which is death in life. This prospect is not different from that of the Karmis who are equally deluded, and cannot do lasting good to anyone. The remedy that both of these propose for the ills of life is manifestly inadequate and even harmful. Their particularistic methods multiply hostilities and increase confusion. The object of the ‘Sajjana-toshani’ is the radical cure of evil. Her method is entirely different from those of the elevationist or the Salvationist. She is absolutely unselfish and impartial. Her method is that of [अमन्दोदया दया] (amandodayādayā) ‘non-evil-producing kindness’ of SreeChaitanyadeva so beautifully described by DamodarSwarup, the Second facsimile of the Supreme Lord, in the shloka—
हेलोद्धूनित-खेदया विशदया प्रोन्मीलद्-आमोदया
शाम्यच्-छास्त्र-विवादया रस-दया चित्तार्पितोन्मादया
शश्वद्-भक्ति-विनोदया स-मदया माधुर्य-मर्यादया
श्री-चैतन्य दया-निधे तव दया भूयाद् अमन्दोदया
heloddhūnita-khedayāviśadayāpronmīlad-āmodayā | |
śāmyac-chāstra-vivādayā | rasa-dayācittārpitonmādayā |
śaśvad-bhakti-vinodayāsa-madayāmādhurya-maryādayā | |
śrī-caitanyadayā-nidhetavadayābhūyādamandodayā |
“Thou ocean of Kindness, SreeChaitanya, may that vast non-evil-producing Kindness of thine be aroused towards me that tends to dissipate all sorrows with ease, to fully reveal everything by reason of its purity, to unfold without reserve the transcendent bliss, to conclude all the wranglings of the Shastras, to shower rasa (the quality of harmony), to confer Divinely rapturous intoxication of the pure mind, to cause incessantly the natural flow of devotion, to bestow tranquility of the soul,—and which exhibits the limit of transcendental sweetness”.
With the above object in view the ‘Sajjana-toshani’ made her first appearance in the year 1879 in the modest form of a Bengali spiritual Monthly edited by Thakur Bhaktivinode. The paper remained under his editorship for seventeen years. She was later made over to the present editor who conducted the paper till she attained her twenty fourth year of publication. Though the further publication of the ‘Sajjana-toshani’ was not possible for various reasons the object of the paper was subsequently taken up with vigour by the well-known Gaudiya, the Bengali religious Weekly, which was started five years ago.
The ‘Sajjana-tosliani’ as edited by Thakur Bhaktivinode was mainly in Bengali with occasional separate English numbers. The start was with articles on current topics congenial to the harmonic school of religionists to which were later added original texts of the four VaishnavaSampradayas with the object of gradually familiarising the public with the vocabulary and technicalities of the four schools. Thakur Bhaktivinode as the Pioneer-Preacher of ‘Suddha bhakti’ ‘pure devotion’ in Bengal in the present age had to serve a public which was at the time unprepared to receive his true message in its entirety. Although at that period even his supporters failed to grasp the full meaning of his message, his writings made the general public acquainted with the principles of the Vaishnava-religion in the measure of the capacity of each individual.
The professors of Vaishnavism or Harmonic School are by tradition divided into three classes according to the quality of their devotion. Those whose devotion is unalloyed are ‘Suddhabhaktas’. The ‘Misrabhaktas’, the next class, consist of those whose devotion is alloyed. The third class, that of ‘Biddhabhaktas’, practise a form of devotion which is almost wholly perverted. In the days of Thakur Bhaktivinode the number of devotees professing ‘Suddha bhakti’ in Bengal were very few. His appeals had to be made to the class of ‘Misrabhaktas’ and ‘Biddhabhakas’ among whom he found supporters and sympathisers. The ‘Sajjana-toshani’ of that period did not altogether escape the influence of the views of these supporters. Thakur Bhaktivinode, himself the Pioneer ‘Suddhabhakta’ found it absolutely necessary to tolerate more or less this influence of ‘Misrabhaktas’ and ‘Biddhabhaktas’ within the movement. By the will of our Supreme Lord the Sajjana-toshani became subsequently strictly the organ of the Suddha-bhakti movement and it is a proof of the fact that Thakur Bhakti-vinode’s object is being carried out that a large number of highly educated and sincere souls have been accepting the principle of ‘shuddha-bhakti’.
Thakur Bhaktivinode issued occasional English numbers of the ‘Sajjana-toshani’. His object was to spread the message of ‘Suddha bhakti’ in and outside Bengal. His object in regard to Bengali-knowing community has been taken up by the Gaudiya-Editorial board. The ‘Sajjana-toshani’ thus finds herself in a position to cease her Bengali garb now on the appearance of the Gaudiya and array herself in English to make her appeals to the world at large.
This is in accordance with the desire of Mahaprabhu, as He gave vent to proselytism. He did not limit His message to any narrow sect. On the contrary, His message is for the whole living world including be it remembered the world of animals and plants. For the purpose of spreading His message of the Divine Love He employs an infinite army of followers.
A passage in the ChaitanyaBhagabata (Life of SreeChaitanyadeva by Thakur Brindabandas) clearly records the desire of Mahaprabhu—
पृथिवीते आछे यत नगरादि ग्राम
सर्वत्र प्रचार हैबे मोर नाम
“My Name will be preached everywhere, in all the villages and towns of the whole world”.
The ‘Harmonist’ seeks to carry out this desire of the Lord. For the present she is appearing in English, Sanskrit and Hindi. But she does not by any means desire to confine herself to these languages only. The Lord desires His Word to be preached to all living beings. The ‘Harmonist’ stands for this desire. She cherishes the faith that a day will come when His Word will be preached everywhere all over the world through the medium of all the languages including the language of animals and plants when this will be practicable. She believes that Gaursundar will in the fullness of time raise up fit preachers in every part of the world and in numbers amply sufficient for His Purpose. This is the message of the ‘Harmonist’.
In conclusion it may be pointed out that association [सङ्ग] (saṅga) with ‘shuddha-bhaktas’ is absolutely necessary to enter into the spirit of Mahaprabhu’s teachings. The ‘Harmonist’ will serve to bring about the association of the public with the ‘shuddha-bhaktas’. The ‘shuddha-bhaktas’ expect that they can count upon a patient hearing from ‘sajjanas’. Such association will be for mutual benefit. It is necessary at the outset to caution the reader against the theory of ‘Voxpopulivox Dei’. The ‘Harmonist’ has nothing to do with ‘voxpopuli’. Her only concern is with ‘vox Dei’. It is the voice of God alone that will find utterance in these pages. The kind indulgence of the reader is solicited to overlook shortcomings in expression inseparable from the employment of a foreign language and consider only the spirit irrespective of the defective garb in which she might be clothed.
General Index Of the Harmonist.
No. 1 (Vol XXV, June 1927 – May 1928)
No. 2 (Vol XXVI, June 1928 – May 1929)
No. 3 (Vol XXVII, June 1929 – May 1930)
No. 4 (Vol XXVIII, June 1930 – May-June 1931)
No. 5 (Vol XXIX, July 1931 – June 1932)
No. 6 (Vol XXX, July 1932 – June 1933)
No. 7 (Vol XXXI, Sept 1934 – July 1935)
No. 8 (Vol XXXII, Sept 1935 – June 1936)
SrilaPrabhupada started a Hindi fortnightly magazine called Bhagwat edited by Srimad Bhakti hridaya Bon Maharaj, on 8 November 1931. It was published on every new moon and full moon day from Paramahansa Math, Naimisharanya.
It was started in 1932 in the Assamese language and published from GoalparaPropanna Ashram, Assam.
It was first started on 16th May 1932 in Utkal language from Sri SatchidanandaMath,Cuttack. It was published on every Ekadasi.
Except for these magazines, SrilaSaraswatiGoswami Prabhupad by his Adhyapak-Lila Published many other magazines.
Also known as Scientific Indian. It was published in 1896. It was the monthly magazine regarding mathematics and astrology.
Published in April 1901. It was a monthly magazine regarding astrology and mathematics.
Articles on Astrology published in the monthly magazines ‘Brihaspati’ and ‘Jyotirvid’:- (a) Bengali translation and explanation of Bhaskaracharya’sSiddhanta-ShiromaniGoladhyaya with Basanabhashya, (b) Bengali translation of Ravichandrasayanas-pashta, Laghujatak with annotation of Bhattotpala, (c) Bengali translation of Laghuparashariya or Ududaya-Pradip with BhairavaDatta’s annotation, (d) Whole of Bhauma-Siddhanta according to western calculatin, (e) Whole of Arya-Siddhanta by Aryabhatta, (f) Paramadishvara’sBhatta-Dipika-Tika, Dinakaumudi, Chamatkara-Chintamani, Jyotish-Tatva-Samhita.
It was published from 181 no. Maniktala Street Kolkata.
Also known as “Sign Board”. It was a weekly magazine. It was started in 1899.