Sat Siksha Pradarshini
Faith / God
A novel form of education was planned and demonstrated by Srila Sarasvati Thakur in the form of theistic exhibitions held in different parts of India including Kurukshetra, Sree Mayapur, Calcutta, Dacca, Patna, Benares, Allahabad, etc. In these he made successful use of pictorial representation by means of dolls and tableaux exhibited with devices in life-like manner demonstrating the true and practical import and teachings of the ancient Scriptures for a full and thorough education of the public particularly of the illiterate masses. These exhibitions attracted millions who were amply benefited, The two successive exhibitions held in 1930 within the Calcutta Gaudiya Math-precincts and in 1931 in the Calcutta Corporation ground (Baghbazar metal depot) witnessed record crowds drawing daily not less than one lakh of visitors throughout the duration of a month in each case.

Kurukshetra Exhibitions
November 1928 at Kurukshetra,staged to attract and educate the enormous crowds expected on the occasion of a solar eclipse. The exhibits depicted Krishna and His friends coming to Kurukshetra from Dwarka and the Vrajavasis arriving from Vrindavan to meet Him. Srila Sarasvati Thakur had twenty thousand handbills printed and circulated in the area, inviting all to the exhibition.
Mayapur Exhibitions
3 February 1930 (the auspicious day of Vasanta Panchami, marking the beginning of spring) and continued till 17 March,the date of Gaur Jayantī that year. This Exhibition is inaugurated by the famous chemist Dr. Prafulla Chandra Roy.
Kolkata Exhibitions
On 5th Oct. 1930, from no.1 Ultadingi Jn. Road, with Sri Guru Gauranga Gandharvika Giridhari Images and devotees,he ceremoniously entered the newly constructed Gaudiya Math at Baghbazar,Kolkata,and installed in the Temple there the images of Sri Radha-Madanmohan, Radha-Govinda and Sri Radha-Gopinath. That time a Spiritual Exhibition was held.
Second Time Kolkata Exhibitions
6 Sept 1931,During the annual utsav of Kolkata Math,he held on a very large scale an Exhibition of Bhagabat Leelas known as “Sat-Siksha Pradarshani”
Decca Exhibitions of Sat-shiksha
6 January 1933,He opened an Exhibition known as ‘Sat-Siksha’ with ocular demonstration of the holy legend of Srimad Bhagabat with the help of toys, dolls, images and pictures, never before displayed,on the grounds of Purana Paltan, Dacca. At the opening ceremony before a gathering of the elite of the town he riat out a pamphlet being an address by the Exhibitor.
Second Time Kurukshetra Exhibitions
8 August 1933, during the solar Eclipse at Kurukshetra an Exhibition of Gaudiya Ideals was held for the second time.
Patna Exhibitions
14 Nov. 1933,Organised an ‘Exhibition of Sat-Siksha’ at Patna which was opened by Maharajadhiraj Hon’ble Sir Kameswar Singh Bahadur, K.C.S.L. of Darbhanga and which was attended by many eminent persons of Patna University who were highly benefited by this unprecedented show. The street on which the exhibition took place is now called Exhibition Road.
Banaras Exhibitions
December 1933 Mr. Pannalal I.C.S.Dt. Magistrate and Collector,a devotee of Srila Prabhupad opened the Paramarthic Exhibition at Kashidham organised by Sarasvati Thakur.
Allahabad Exhibitions (At present Prayagraj)
7 January 1934, Srila Prabhupad opened an Exhibition of Spiritual Teachings at Allahabad and delivered a lecture in English to a large gathering of the elite of the city.
Third Time Kurukshetra Exhibitions
25 June 1936, a ‘Sat-Shiksha Exhibition’ was opened at Kurukshetra for edification and enlightenment of lacs of people assembling on the occasion of Solar Eclipse on the teachings of Sri Chaitanya Dev.